Add Txt to Dns an Unexpected Error Occurred If This Issue Continues Contact Support

Why a domain's root can't be a CNAME — and other tidbits about the DNS

This post will use the above question to explore DNS, dig, A records, CNAME records, and ALIAS/ANAME records from a beginner's perspective. So let's get started.

First, some definitions

  • Domain Name System (DNS): the overall system for converting a human memorable domain name ( to an IP address ( The IP address is of a server, commonly a web server, where the files needed to display a webpage are stored.
  • DNS Server (also known as a name server or nameserver): Uses DNS software to store information about domain addresses. There are several levels — those belonging to each ISP, Root (13 total worldwide), Top Level Domain (TLD, e.g. '.com'), and Domain level DNS Servers.
  • Domain name: the domain (example) combined with the TLD (.com). The term 'domain' is often used synonymously with the domain name, though they are different. When you buy a 'domain' from a a registrar or reseller, you buy the rights to a specific domain name (, and any subdomains you want to create (,, etc).

High level query flow

The high-level flow of what happens when you type "" into your browser can be simplified to remove the hops to the ISP, Root, and TLD DNS Servers as below:

Simplified DNS request flow, more can be seen in a more detailed flow

A domain typically has two or more name servers, containing records relating to the domain name (

Many types of records can be stored, most of which can have multiple entries per type:

  • A: Address records that map the domain name to an IP address
  • CNAME: Canonical Name Record. Used to alias one domain name (or subdomain name) to another. We'll look at this in more detail later.
  • MX: Mail eXchange records that tell email delivery agents where they should deliver your email
  • TXT: flexible Text records, for storing strings for a variety of uses
  • SOA: singular Start of Authority record kept at the top level of the domain. Contains specific required information about the domain, for example its primary name server
  • NS: The name servers associated with the domain

When your device sends a query that reaches a name server, the server looks in the domain's record node for an A record, and the associated stored IP address ( This is then returned to the device, to be used to send a request to the correct web server to retrieve the requested webpage or resource.

Using 'dig'

dig (domain information groper) is a command-line tool for querying DNS servers. This command is generally used for troubleshooting, or as now to understand more about the setup of a system.

$ dig results in a long response printed to the terminal, the default output detailed here, of which we are interested in the ANSWER SECTION.

                ;; ANSWER SECTION:       72703      IN     A              

And there we go, we can see that returns an A record of Sometimes domains will have more than one A record, if more than one web server can provide the information needed.

There's more! If we try out some other examples, we can soon see that another common record appears: CNAME.

$ dig

                ;; ANSWER SECTION: 169 IN CNAME 5639 IN CNAME 20 IN A              
       5639 IN CNAME              
       20 IN A              

Using the +short flag allows us to clearly see the path formed:

$ dig +short              


A CNAME record allows a domain name to be used as an alias for another canonical (true) domain.

When the DNS server returns a CNAME record, it will not return that to the client. Rather it will again look up the returned domain name, and in turn return the A record's IP address. This chain can continue many CNAME levels deep, but then suffers minor performance hits from multiple lookups before caching takes place.

A simple example of this could be if you have a server where you keep all your photos. You may normally access it through However, you might also want it to allow access via One way to make this possible is to add a CNAME record that points photographs to photos. This means that when someone visits they would be given the same content as

Using the query $ dig we would see:

          IN   CNAME         IN   A              

It's important to note that the CNAME is that piece to the right hand side. The left hand side is the alias name, or label.

Another common use is for the www subdomain. Having purchased you likely also want users who type in to see the same content.

It is worth noting here that can be called the apex, root, or naked domain name.

One option would be to set up another A record, pointing to the same IP address as for This is completely valid, and is what the real does, but it does not scale well. What happens if you need to update the IP address that points to? You would also need to update it for the www subdomain, and any others you may use.

If a CNAME record was used to alias to point to then only the root domain would have to be updated, as all other nodes point to it.

CNAME limitations

At the time when the DNS standards were written, some rules were set out to govern their use. RFC 1912 and RFC 2181 set out that:

  • SOA and NS records are mandatory to be present at the root domain
  • CNAME records can only exist as single records and can not be combined with any other resource record ( DNSSEC SIG, NXT, and KEY RR records excepted)

This excludes a CNAME being used on the root domain, as the two rules would contradict each other.

What's important here is that this is a contractual limitation, not a technical one. It is possible to use a CNAME at the root, but it can result in unexpected errors, as it is breaking the expected contract of behavior.

An example of this is told by Cloudflare, describing problems they encountered with Microsoft Exchange mail servers after having used a CNAME on their root domain:

Domains generally designate the servers that handle their email through what's known as a MX Record. The problem was that Exchange servers … could pick up the CNAME at the root record and then not properly respect the CNAME set at the MX record. You can't really blame Exchange. They were operating under the assumptions laid out by the DNS specification.

Here you see the downside that can appear in several server softwares or libraries. Because a standard is in place for a CNAME to be the only record at a node, no other records are looked for. All other records will be silently ignored, without warning or error messages. Even if an MX record was set to receive email, the MX will be ignored as if it doesn't exist because the CNAME is evaluated first. The same is true if there were an A record: the CNAME would take precedence and the A record would not be read.

The modern internet

So why is this a problem? Why would you ever want to use a CNAME for your root domain anyway? Surely that is the end of the path when looking for the IP address of the web server hosting your content?

In the modern internet landscape, that is no longer the case. The world is very different from when the DNS standards were written.

You may choose to use a Platform as a Service (PaaS) provider like Heroku and store content on their web servers. You control the content, but not the infrastructure, and the PaaS provider does the heavy lifting of the network maintenance. They typically provide you with a URL ( that is a subdomain of their root domain, and you can view the IP addresses for the web server(s) your content is on. But these are entirely under the PaaS provider's control, and will change without warning.

The scale and frequency of backend changes made by the PaaS provider can make it hard to maintain your root domain A record pointing at a single IP address. Ideally you would wish to do this:

            IN   CNAME  IN   CNAME      IN   CNAME  IN   CNAME              

to allow Heroku (or your chosen host provider) to manage updating the A record that the CNAME points to without any changes made on your side. However, as we now know, this breaks the DNS specification, so is a very bad idea.

It is possible to simply implement a 301/302 redirect from to However, that instruction takes place either on the web server (so still having the problem of needing to use a fixed A record in DNS to point to that web server), or a custom DNS provider redirect (that suffers complications with HTTPS).

This also has the side effect of changing the domain that you see in the URL bar, which you may not want. This method is intended for when your website has permanently moved, or when you're trying to preserve SEO rankings, rather than solving our problem of pointing to a complex changing backend in a scaleable way.

The solution

Several DNS providers have now developed custom solutions to work around this problem, including:

  • ALIAS at DNSimple
  • ANAME at DNS Made Easy
  • ANAME at easyDNS
  • CNAME (virtual) at CloudFlare

These are all virtual record types that provide CNAME like behaviour, with none of the downsides. The exact implementation can differ, but at a high level when the DNS server sees one of these virtual record types, it acts as a DNS resolver. It follows the chain created by the alias until it resolves at an A record (or records) and returns these A records to the DNS server. This 'flattens' the CNAME chain into the A record(s) returned, and is indistinguishable to the sent query. The query sees only a pure A record, which doesn't break the DNS specification, and doesn't have any of the disadvantages of a CNAME.

These virtual records can sit alongside other records at the root without any fear of unintended behaviours. Depending on the provider's method of DNS resolution when following the CNAME chain, they may also have performance benefits from caching previous lookups.

For a DNSimple setup, we would then configure as below. This solution has all the advantages of domain name aliasing, and none of the risks of using it at root level.

            IN   ALIAS  IN   CNAME              

Thanks for reading! ?

As always, open to any corrections or additional points.


  • What is a DNS Server
  • Set Up a DNS Name Server
  • DNSimple support pages and ALIAS blog
  • Cloudflare support and CNAME blog
  • dig HowTo
  • Several great Stack Overflow or StackExchange posts
  • Well written Wikipedia entries
  • Netlify blog 'To www or not www'

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